Setting up the instruments
Pastor Veglio and Nicola mounting the banner
Piazza Della Borsa, in anticipation of the event
Alessandro’s enthusiasm
Ettore handing out flyers
Great interest in what was happening
Behind the stage, the magnificent building ‘Camera di Commercio’
The evangelization has started
The first participants
The interest increases
Pastor Veglio evangelizes a person who shows interest
A cyclist also stops to listen
Minister Vincenzo announces the Gospel
Fabiana testifies about her conversion to Christ
Fidele evangelises, translated by Ettore
Minister Vincenzo announces the Gospel
Fabiana, Domenico, Sonia, Gianluca, accompanied by Daniele, sing about Jesus
Antonio also shares his conversion
Some pretend to be indifferent
Fidele prays, translated by Ettore
In the evening, the crowd increases
In the dark, many draw near
The crowd in the square are attentive
Fidele’s fervor